Voice Competition Results
First Prize
Briseis Muñoz, mezzo-soprano | Laveen
- Student of Andrea Squires
- Repertoire: C. Schumann, “Er ist gekommen in Sturm und Regen“ and Vaughan Williams, Silent Noon
Second Prize
Elizabeth Brown, soprano | Chandler
- Student of Kimiko Mori
- Repertoire: Rome, “Shopping Around” from Wish You Were Here and Kuo, “Higher” from Allegiance
Third Prize
Aidan Hyde, baritone | Phoenix
- Student of Monica Sampson
- Repertoire: Lerner, “On the Street Where you Live” from My Fair Lady and Paul, “For Forever”
Honorable Mention:
Theresa Estrada, Mezzo-soprano | Ian Gray, tenor |Matthew Hawkins, tenor | Brianna Stenke, soprano