To our Musicfest family,

As we are all challenged these days to adjust to our new reality, the vision of Arizona Musicfest, “Bringing the joy of music to all”, remains as valuable and as vital as ever. While, at this time, we’re no longer “bringing the joy of music” to our community through live concert performances, through our popular Music Alive! lifelong learning series, or through our dynamic programs for school children and young musicians, we are still eager to provide our community with special and meaningful musical experiences. With that in mind, Arizona Musicfest is now developing new and unique on-line content that we hope will engage, educate, entertain and inspire you, during these uncertain and challenging times.

While our immediate planning for this initiative revolves around the “how”, “what”, and “when”, there is no question as to the “why”. We need music at times like this, and Musicfest remains fully committed to “bringing the joy of music to all”, whether in person or on-line.

As a kick-off to our new on-line content, Musicfest’s Executive and Producing Director, Allan Naplan, offers a special (and timely) song, which likely speaks to how many of us are feeling these days.